April 18, 2014 9:22 AM

The Worth County 4-H program announces new bronze statue

The Worth County 4-H program has touched the lives of many young Iowans and has given them the ability and confidence to become leaders. The skills that are developed in 4-H help young people to recognize opportunities, develop plans, become better communicators and give them the confidence needed to succeed if life.

The Worth County 4-H program has touched the lives of many young Iowans and has given them the ability and confidence to become leaders. The skills that are developed in 4-H help young people to recognize opportunities, develop plans, become better communicators and give them the confidence needed to succeed if life.

They have announced they are creating a life-size bronze statue in hopes to remind everyone of what 4-H can do for our young citizens and why adults should volunteer their time and talents.  The statue will be of a girl who serves as a prime example:  Janice Hullinger and her steer “Shorty.”

Janice, age 16, was a member of the Lincoln Junior Farmers Club, who in 1954 won the Grand Champion Junior Beef Award in the Junior Livestock Show at the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.


Janice was suddenly famous due to the cover story in the Farmer’s Wife Magazine, many newspaper articles and an appearance (with Shorty) on the Ed Sullivan TV Show in New York City.


Like Janice, all 4-H youth (and club leaders) who work hard and persevere can excel. They are only limited by their imagination and desire to learn.

The Worth County 4-H program has commissioned Big Statues, with Matt Glenn as the lead artist, to create this bronze statue.  Matt Glenn is excited to be given the opportunity to help send this message to the members of the 4-H program and all other youth.

The statue will be located in Worth County later this year for all to see as they pass by.

Bronze Statue, Janice, Shorty

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