January 6, 2018 3:08 AM

Two Leaders of Their Industries Team Together to Create Epic Statue for Bob’s Red Mill

Big Statues is working with Bob’s Red Mill, a big name in the food industry, to help further nutritional education. Over 30 years ago, Bob Moore envisioned running a flourmill that could produce nutritious and delicious grain. Back in the 1950’s, everyone was obsessed with

Big Statues is working with Bob's Red Mill, a big name in the food industry, to help further nutritional education. Over 30 years ago, Bob Moore envisioned running a flourmill that could produce nutritious and delicious grain. Back in the 1950’s, everyone was obsessed with the idea of white bread. Every company across the world wanted their bread to be white. These companies would remove everything except for the endosperm of the wheat kernel, which would then be bleached to make the bread appear white. The nutritious part of grain was not being included in white bread, and something needed to change. Wheat germ and bran are the healthiest parts of wheat kernels, and Bob was going to change the food industry by providing the public with delicious food products that did not get rid of the nutrition from wheat kernels.Ever since this dream of his became a reality, Bob has been dedicated to education others and providing everyone with the best quality foods that the world has to offer. He does educational classes all over the world about the story of wheat and grain, and how important it is to eat healthy grains and make them apart of your diet.In order to help with these educational classes, Bob’s Red Mill inquired of Big Statues in Provo, Utah to create a 14-inch bronze statue of a wheat kernel that is to be used as a 3-dimensional visual aid. The bronze wheat kernel is going to help explain and show the nutritional side to wheat and grain, and how Bob’s Red Mill uses their knowledge to provide everyone with the best food possible. This project is anticipated to be complete by July of 2018.

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